My notes about MarillaAnne's Grey Hare
~A Coffee Shop and Art Gallery ~
And my latest adventure: Adelebsen Isle
~ A friendly German Village ~
and, of course, friends and discoveries in Second Life.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 14: Friends and Sand Bags #NaBloPoMo
Well, some more of our friends are moving far away.
We met them and and some more friends for dinner tonight. We don't really see them so often ... but ... we all went through one of those "defining moments" together and we have many things in common. Having one last gathering *had* to happen.
Building, enginering, and sandbags were the topic of discussion ... unless of course you were trying to escape the sandbag discussion :)
Actually there was no escaping the sandbag discussion. How high. How to interlace strength. How to build in an earthquake region. How to build without a hammer. How to ... what if ... well then ... but what about ...
Two in the group talked faster and longer than the rest of us. His wife and my husband. There may have to be some long distance discussions.
Oh. She helps missionaries and other groups design buildings and homes for undeveloped countries.
We will miss them.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day 12: Watching Movies
Billy: Did you have fun watching movies with Ashley?
Me: Yes!
Billy: Why do you like watching movies with Ashley and not with me?
Me: Because you don't like light-weight girly movies.
Billy: Oh. You're right. I don't.
/me *shrugs*
Friday, November 11, 2011
Day 11: Wolf, Wolf at the Door ! Oh! Well, Surprise !! He backed off a bit #RL #SL #SecondLife #NaBloPoMo
Okay, so Wednesday was rather disturbing. Billy (aka Mitch) went off to work and then called me with the news way too many are hearing these days. So, yeah. He was laid off effective Friday (today). No severence. Some supplemental pay on top of unemployment for a limited time, though.
Now, I'm telling you this right here and right now. God has seen us through much worse. We have an amazing feeling of calm. We do feel irritated but not panicked. In fact the Blessing Ride has already started. Come on and follow along.
Anyone who knows Billy in Real Life, and a great many who have dealt with him in Second Life, will tell you quick: He's a good man. A very good man.
Seems his former bosses who have gone on to other departments and others who have worked with him are of the same opinion. They went to bat for him. So, the efffective date is now November 23rd.
Billy's lay off is the reason behind our decision to close Adelebsen Isle. Dealing with stress of whether or not the sim visitors could/ would donate enough was not something we wanted on the plate with everything else.
So but you remember I said "barring some surprise." Well last night we coming home on the train and got a Skype text from one of our Second Life friends. "I want to sponsor the sim for three months."
So ... this support plus the shops will keep the sim open :)
Tonight we're just chilling and goofing off and ran across this surprising bit of shared memories: Sing Along with Mitch
Yeah we're back to listening to country ... don't worry :)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day 10: One of my Favorite Train Stops #NaBloPoMo
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 9: Closing our Second Life Sim #SecondLife #SL #NaBloPoMo
Decision #2: Adelebsen Isle is Closing effective Nov 21. Yes, it's a money decision.
We've enjoyed meeting great people on Adelebsen Isle over the last four years. Thank you for all the encouragement you've given us. We wish you all the best.
No, we don't have any future plans.
My email address is always in my profile.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 8: Benign is a Beautiful Word #NaBloPoMo
That's pretty much all I have to say for today. I never knew my boobies could hide so much. I do have to go back for another sonogram in 6 months. But, it seems, I have the perfect boobies for growing Benign cysts.
I'm not questioning at this point. It's hereditary is the theme I'm running with :)
See you tomorrow.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 7: Moonlit Walks
Twelve years of marriage and I still love walking with my husband. Walks on winter nights under a bright moon are some of the best. Tonight we walked around the village, listened to the streams, watched the traffic travel on the highway high above the village. The air was just the right crisp. It's nice.
Here's what I wrote about one of our walks some years back when we lived by a lake in Texas.
Lakeside: 2AMThe rocks crunch
as we walk
Bull frogs serenade
Conversation flows
At 2 a.m. The lake water
quietly waves
Two ducks quack
Katydids click
At 2 a.m.The car tires
thump thump thump
across the
two-mile bridge
At 2 a.m.The boaters laugh
Calling out
to each other
as they dock
At 2 a.m.The cool, moist air
breezes by
providing Sound's
best travel
At 2 a.m.Someone's music
sings quiet clearly
But they don't mind --
Just speak louder
At 2 a.m.There's only few:
The reminiscing,
The quacking ducks,
The boating buds,
At 2 a.m. Then there's us two --
walking, talking
laughing, kissing
plotting, planning
At 2 a.m.The rest are all
asleep, quiet --
They're missing out
At 2 a.m.The breeze blows
across our bed
Lake waves now roll
The clock ticksAnd we
consider sleep
At 3 a.m.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 6: The Zombie Apocalypse is Upon Us. #NaBloPoMo #ZombieApocalypse #SecondLife #SL
This morning my husband informed me that the Zombie Apocalypse has been happening for quite some time and that he is in fact one of the Zombies.
He leaves home "normal," stops and picks up coffee, gets back into the car, turns on his tunes, and then drives in to work as a Zombie. He says there's lots and lots of people like him.
AND they drive home as Zombies, too. Some return to their normal selves completely upon reaching their own home. Some only regain the appearance of "normal" while retaining the internal Zombie state in front of some type of entertainment device (TV, Video game, Computer, etc etc etc).
So, be on the look out.
What I didn't tell him: I have a Zombie time, too.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 5: Call to Prayer, Energy Boost #NaBloPoMo
When I was just a little girl,
I complained to my mother
about the fire engine sirens
and this is what she said to me
When you hear the fire engine
pray for the people involved
pray for the firefighters
pray for the people in need
So now I live by a firehouse
and my neighbor is a
volunteer fireman
and this is what i do
When I hear the firehouse alarm,
it is my call to prayer.
I pray for the firefighters
I pray for the people in need
There is a diesel train that
runs right in front of my house
I thrill to the rumble
of the powerful engine.
I revel in the sound
of the whistle echoing
off the hills.
It is my energy boost.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4: Cafe Crisis #NaBloPoMo
[Entry to the old Buttonwood Cafe]
"Wait! What? You're going to go to McDonald's over Magnolia's?"
My friends and I are having a cafe crisis.
"There's two things you don't mess with: People's food and their money. In that order."
Well, our food is definitely being messed with. One cafe was sold and the new owners seem to be totally unaware that the cafe's existing culture revolves around the existing menu. Equally, it's the quality of the food on the menu.
"I had the worst omelet. It was paper thin with just a few mushrooms, onion, and very little cheese tossed in."
"I wonder if the Buttonwood Cafe's owner really will start selling soups and breads near me. At least something."
The second cafe was in a building over 100 years old. The owners of the building have allowed it to fall into disrepair.
"It's to the point that they wanted to just tear it down and start over. They were told by the town that if they do that they will never be allowed to have another restaurant on this site again."
"The wood came from boats that were at the bottom of Lake Michigan."
The quotes are various things I've heard said in the cafes or about them.
Yes. This is a crisis.
Now, you people that live in big cities that are nothing but chain restaurant clusters have no concept of what I'm talking about. I know this because I've been you.
In the area where I now live, it is a string of small villages with cafe's and delis owned, managed, and promoted by people who live in the area. Sometimes they live just upstairs above the cafe.
The Chefs are usually the owners. The food is often local, sometimes organic, and seldom out of a can. Many of the cafes serve the average comfort food. Some serve amazing food.
The two cafes that we've lost were not just places where amazing and great food was served. They were willing to let us come in and stay for hours. Visit, write, study. It's where we saw our neighbors. It's where we learned about the local news. It's where we learned about the community's history. Not only is it okay to speak to the stranger at the next table, it was considered neighborly to at least say hello. It's kind of how we kept an eye each other's well-being. "Is Joe okay? He's not been in for days."
They weren't places to put on airs and pretend to be somebody. You already were somebody just because you walked in the door.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2
Super tired.
Good day.
Billy surprised me and stayed home.
My friend still went with me to my doctor's appointment.
Huge surprise: I really like my new doctor.
Decision #1 I'm on Zoloft to help with my concentration and anxiety and unofficial ADD
Step #2 I have an appointment next week for a mamogram and sonogram.
Must sleep.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I did this #NaBloPoMo Thing Once. I'm going at it again.
My first November in New York I participated in the #NaBloPoMo. It was a great deal of fun.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
introducing our latest signal tower #snowdaze #ny @Wilsoncellular
Friday, September 16, 2011
An Update on Adelebsen Isle
A bit of info about the sim and about us, too.
When we haven't been focused on our own flood alerts, Billy aka Mitch has been actively involved in supporting the NY SBDR Kitchen. (New York Southern Baptist Disaster Relief) He may go back out for another 7 days some time soon. I've either been packing or repacking us for evacuation or making sure he has everything to go to the kitchen site. This last week I've had a sinus infection / cold.
The home we rent did not receive any flood damage. We're going to have to spend some time soon cleaning up the back yard a bit. We really were impacted very lightly.
In short. We're mainly kind of tired.
So, a little of this and a little of that has been happening with the sim. We've not gotten to communicate the way we would like ... and so on ... So, it's no great surprise that the coins have been dropping rather randomly into the fountains.
All the same, coins have been dropping into the fountains :) and we really appreciate all of you who do contribute. We have learned a lot about the people who love Adelebsen Isle. One thing I've noticed is that some of you come by and drop in a few Lindens every couple of days.
So. Yes. We're staying another month and your help is hugely encouraging and enabling.
There's been a few questions:
Can I give less than the $L 500? Yes :) absolutely.
Can I give you all the Lindens I have? Umm well that's not expected ... but if you're really serious, it looks like we're going to need them much more next month. Thank you very much :)
How much is $L 500 in USD? It's about $2 USD. So roughly, every $L 25 equals one dime. And we all know dimes do add up.
What is that great huge massive thing hanging over the castle? Well? Another castle? The new building blocks from LL are too fun to leave alone and I have these ideas going through my head .... stay tuned :)
Why is the Adel Forest all broken up? Well, it's another project in the works. As I told our sim guard, "Hide in the forest and watch."
It's also time for Autumn to sneak in ::happy dance::
There's more to tell but ... it will keep :)
I have especially enjoyed hearing from you over the last few weeks. Please send any comment to my IM's or to my email (it's in my profile).
Enjoy have fun,
Marilla Anne
Mitch climed out of his Tiny shape for a few moments (became human) and came danced with me on Romantic Dance Mtn :)Thursday, August 25, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Around Adel Markt: Tayren Theas
Tayren has a new larger shop in the market. There are also new looks. Most of Tayren's designs are complete avatar packages :)
Medieval Victorian & Fairy ~Avatars Dresses Costumes Outfits
Around Adel Markt: Noramyr Gullwing
Nora's Chickens make me smile
Flights of Fantasy ~ Noramyr Gullwing ~ Tiny Avatars for All
Sunday, April 3, 2011
--BASIC SLURL Fantastical and Magical @ Fantasy Faire

MarillaAnne's Grey Hare Coffee Shop ~ Adelebsen Isle Village
MarillaAnne's Grey Hare Coffee Shop ~ Adelebsen Isle Village
come visit&title=Grey%20Hare&msg=come%20see">come see
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Eolande's First Hair Piece
Eolande Elvehjem has started making hair to go with her jewelry :)
This is her first piece named Felicia. Of course, my choice was red :)
of one of the very first books about Second Life --the book I read
before I started "playing" Second Life ... If I find it, I'll post the
name :) So can you imagine how thrilled I was to find it on sale at
50% off just a few months after I joined?!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
An Adorable Tiny Chinese New Year Dress
The Dress is made by Betsy Furman. Her store is Tiny Ruffles
More photos and info: Go Get: Betsy has some other very cute Victorian dresses also :) Oh the lamb is made by Wynx
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Where I relax
Just hanging out ... ok really I'm trying to figure out the best path through the promo maze :P
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Because Our G-Rated Dress Code is Being Discussed ... #SL #SecondLife #LL
SecondLife has allowed teens onto the grid. Linden Lab is telling the teens and their parents that the teens are only allowed onto G rated sims.
Contrary to what all the viewer 1 code-based viewers are telling everyone, SL no longer has PG rated sims., SL's definition of PG has always been, in actuality, the definition of G-rated. Basically, SL has moved the correct rating letter in front of the correct definition. ability of LL to patrol this impossible situation is irrelevant. Mitch and I believe it is our moral obligation to meet the expectation of the parents of the teens.The minimum dress code on Adelebsen Isle visitors has always been: For women: The breasts must be covered from the bottom to above the nipples in such a way that covers approx 60%. Shorts and pants must completely cover the crotch area, the buttocks, and most of the butt crack.For men: A vest for the top and shorts and pants must match the same as the women's rule.
Of course, the outfit cannot be sexually lewd in other ways ... nor carry insulting (abusive) remarks.
I am very sorry that LL has created so much confusion from so many directions. The best we can do is stick to one standard for ourselves.