yes. the very lunches you pack for your children are now subject to search because of Federal mandates from the HHS aka Obamacare.
My notes about MarillaAnne's Grey Hare
~A Coffee Shop and Art Gallery ~
And my latest adventure: Adelebsen Isle
~ A friendly German Village ~
and, of course, friends and discoveries in Second Life.
yes. the very lunches you pack for your children are now subject to search because of Federal mandates from the HHS aka Obamacare.
Obama OMB Admits Obamacare Penalties Are Not Taxes
Rep. Scott Garrett (R., N.J.) had a nice gambit just now in a hearing with President Obama’s acting OMB director Jeffrey Zients.
First he asked Zients if the Obama budget imposes any new taxes on Americans making less than $200,000. When Zients answered that it did not, Garrett followed up by asking if an individual making less than $200,000 a year opted not to carry health insurance, in contravention of the Affordable Care Act, is the fine associated with that decision a tax?
After some hemming and hawing, Zients answered that the fine did not constitute an tax. Which is a problem, considering the Obama administration’s entire case before the Supreme Court is premised on those fines being construed as taxes, not penalties.