Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ivalde Skins from Neferia Able

Neferia Able of Ivalde fame is now creating skins. As soon as I heard this news, I knew the skins would be top quality. I love shopping at her Ivalde store because I know that if I like the dress style, I'm going to love wearing the dress. I am never disappointed. If I'm wearing a great looking dress that hints of days gone by (example: from the 1950's), chances are very high that it's one of Nef's vintage designs.

I chose Neftys for evenings and Frigg for day time. Why can't my avatar have a different look for different occasions? I certainly can.

Nef shared with me that the names for the skins are selected from various goddesses from ancient cultures. If you look closely, you can imagine each goddess wearing a skin designed by Nef.

Take some time and explore your possibilities. The skins are located downstairs in the Ivalde store. And, then, add some refreshing updates to your wardrobe from all of the high quality stores located on Ivalde Isle.

Then just enjoy the fresh air relaxed atmosphere all over Ivalde Isle. Perhaps you will even discover the cave tunnel system.

Ivalde Skins

More Images
Blog Images 8/13 - 8/19

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